Upcoming events.

Spring into Tree Care: Expert Tips and Demos for Healthy Growth
Get your trees off to a great start this spring by joining us on April 8th for our Spring into Tree Care event! This in-depth farm tour is packed with expert advice and hands-on demonstrations.

May Mastery: IPM, Beneficial Insects, and Root-Pruning for Thriving Trees
Kickstart your journey to healthier trees this season by joining us for May Mastery on May 13th! This educational farm tour will focus on integrated pest management (IPM), the role of beneficial insects, and the benefits of root-pruning to help you grow thriving, sustainable trees.

September Savvy: Pruning, Plant ID, and Trees for Small Spaces
As the growing season winds down, it’s the perfect time to sharpen your tree care skills and prepare for the fall. Join us on September 9th for September Savvy, a hands-on farm tour focusing on essential pruning techniques, plant identification, and choosing the best trees for smaller spaces.

October Insights: Landscape Lighting, Tree Moving, and Fall Digging Safety
As fall approaches, it’s the perfect time to fine-tune your tree care and landscape skills. Join us on October 14th for October Insights, a farm tour designed to provide you with expert knowledge and practical demonstrations on landscape lighting, tree moving, and fall digging safety.

November Navigations: B&B Trees for Events, Expert Q&A, and Digging Demo
As we head into the final stretch of the year, join us on November 11th for November Navigations, an insightful farm tour that covers everything from B&B (Balled & Burlapped) trees for events to expert advice on tree care, with a focus on safe digging techniques. This is your chance to learn from the best in the industry and get your questions answered directly by one of the leaders at Ruppert Nurseries.

March into Growth: Liner Planting, Pruning Secrets, and Spring Inventory Preview
This tour is limited to green industry professionals
Join us on March 11th at Ruppert Nurseries for an exciting, hands-on farm tour designed to get you ready for the upcoming growing season!
What to Expect:
Liner Planting
Specialty Pruning
Spring 2025 Inventory Preview
Why Attend?
This is the perfect opportunity to network with fellow green industry professionals, ask questions, and get expert advice. Whether you’re looking to refine your liner or pruning knowledge or preview the best plants for Spring 2025, this event will help you March into Growth with confidence.

LCA Holiday Event
Join us for an intimate celebration with the Landscape Contractors Association (LCA). This special event will be hosted by Ruppert Nurseries and offers a unique opportunity to connect with peers, enjoy a guided tour of the beautiful farm, and celebrate the season together.
Register here: Landscape Contractors Association MD, DC, VA

Holiday Swag & Farm Tour: Learn Where Your Trees Come From
Join us for a festive and educational day at the farm as we celebrate the holiday season in style!
Throughout the event, you'll have the chance to:
Learn to Make Holiday Swag: Using fresh greenery and other natural materials harvested right here on the farm.
Farm Tour & Digging Demonstration: Watch a live demonstration of tree digging, where we’ll show how we carefully dig and prepare trees for sale.
Don’t worry about the weather! We've got you covered with heated accommodations and a closed van for the tour.
Register Now: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/b3whfyw/lp/0c2d27ec-47d7-428b-b691-00cc1c830010

Seasonal Insights at Ruppert Nurseries
Don't miss the opportunity to visit our farm and take a tour with the Ruppert Nurseries & Ruppert Landscape team. You will learn about fall digging hazards, tree tagging tips & tree moving for landscape professionals.
This event is limited for green industry professionals. An affiliation with a green industry company is required.

August Farm Tour
Join us on August 13th and learn all about our tree moving services for landscape professionals, watering tips for summer and all about the different options for digging tree during summer.
This event is limited to green industry professionals. An affiliation with a green industry company is needed.

July Farm Tour 2024
We are so excited for the topics this month and we think you will be excited too. Join us on July 9th and learn all about our tree moving services for landscape professionals, watering tips for summer and all about the different options for digging tree during summer.
This event is limited to green industry professionals. An affiliation with a green industry company is needed.

MNLGA Tech Field Day
This will be a great day of education, demonstrations, and stations at Ruppert Nurseries in Laytonsville, MD.
This educational event includes topics like:
-Drones for inventory, spraying, & more
-Tilling and seeding
-New technology for weed control
If you’d like to register for this event, please go to: https://mnlga.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1840822

Private Tour- CBG Building Company
If you are a green industry professional interested in touring the farm with your team, give us a call to schedule a private tour! We are happy to accommodate any topics you are looking to learn more about.

June Farm Tour
Join us for our monthly farm tours and earn credits! This month we will be covering topics related to: trees for wet areas, cover crops & beneficial insects.
Do you have any topics you'd like us to cover? Email kgarcia@ruppertnurseries.com for suggestions!
This event is limited to green industry professionals affiliated with companies in such field.

Private Tour- Department of Agriculture
If you are a green industry professional interested in touring the farm with your team, give us a call to schedule a private tour! We are happy to accommodate any topics you are looking to learn more about.

May Farm Tour 2024
Join us for a monthly tour around the farm and earn credits while learning about the latest industry standards and new availability. Learn from experts in the field about:
-Beneficial insects
-Trees for wet areas
-Cover crops in the landscape.
Must have an affiliation with a green industry company to join the tour.

April Farm Tour 2024
Join us for a monthly tour around the farm and learn from experts in the field about:
-Beneficial insects
-Trees for wet areas
-Cover crops in the landscape.
Must have an affiliation with a green industry company to join the tour.

March Farm Tour 2024
Join us for a monthly tour around the farm. We will be covering topics related to:
-Tagging in Winter
-Structural Pruning
-Spring 2024 inventory.
Please note that this event is for green industry professionals only. An affiliation with a green industry company/ business is necessary.

February Farm Tour 2024
Join us for a tour around the farm! and learn about:
-Our newest availability
-How to tag trees during winter
-Specialty pruning
Please keep in mind that this event is for green industry professionals ONLY.
An affiliation with a green industry company is required.

The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show, MANTS, is known as the Masterpiece of Trade Shows and is sponsored by the State Nursery and Landscape Associations of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia.

December Farm Tour 2023
Join us for a tour around the farm and earn LACES & ISA credits. We will cover topics related to:
-Tagging tips
-Structural pruning
-Inventory updates
Event limited to green industry professionals.

April Farm Tour 2023
Welcome Spring! Join an intimate group at the farm to earn your LACES credits and see what's new at Ruppert Nurseries. Earn 1.5 Continuing Education credits. We are LACES Certified.
Wagon Farm Tour
Digging Demonstration
New Material Review
Open Discussion
Refreshments included!

March Farm Tour 2023
Welcome Spring! Join an intimate group at the farm to earn your LACES credits and see what's new at Ruppert Nurseries. Earn 1.5 Continuing Education credits. We are LACES Certified.
Wagon Farm Tour
Digging Demonstration
New Material Review
Open Discussion
Refreshments included!

February Farm Tour 2023
Fall in love with trees and join us for an evening of drinks and trees this February 21st!

Winter Farm Tour
Join us for a tour of Ruppert Nurseries during MANTS! Transportation to Ruppert Nurseries is provided from MANTS. Please comment with your preferred tour time of either 11AM or 2PM.