Landscape Faux Pas

Have you ever found yourself with an article of clothing in your closet that you just can’t seem to figure out how to wear? Maybe the cuffs on the pants are too wide, the waist too high, the shoulder pad too broad, or the color just simply not right.  The realization that your great fashion idea turns out to be a bad one is a huge bummer; made even worse when it’s an expensive mistake!  Like fashion faux pas, so too there are landscape faux pas.   As industry professionals it is our duty to help our friends, neighbors and family members make good landscape decisions whenever possible.

One of my favorite pastimes is to take pictures of landscapes gone wrong.  Here are some of my favorites:

But perhaps my all time favorite Landscape Faux Pas of all time…

Send me pics of your favorite Landscape Faux Pas for a chance to win a copy of Dr. Dirr’s “Guide to Hardy Trees and Shrubs”. And for goodness sake, no more shoulder pads, okay?

By Ronda Roemmelt, Ruppert Nurseries


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